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  • ANZACATA-JoCAT Author Support Bursary application

  • Each year, with the support of ANZACATA, The Journal of Creative Arts Therapies (JoCAT) awards two bursaries to ANZACATA members to provide mentorship to authors whose submissions show great potential and require some assistance to develop them to the journal’s standard for publication.

    The Bursary program is designed to:
    • Provide mentorship/assistance to new, Indigenous and/or diverse authors,
    • Promote a variety of voices and perspectives from the ANZACATA region while acknowledging the international positioning of the journal.

    READ MORE about the ANZACATA-JoCAT Author Support Bursary

    1. Contact details

  • 2. Your proposal

    You can provide either:

    • a draft manuscript of the article you are writing.
    • a proposal for the article you are planning. For this option you will need to develop a specific idea for an article and begin to conceptualise it as a full research article, including a scoping review of the relevant literature on the topic and its implications for CAT practices. Please provide 250–500 words and any relevant imagery.
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